Sans Forgetica Font
- #fonts, sans-forgetica
- 5 Nov 2023
In 2018 RMIT University announced a new font: Sans Forgetica is a font that has been scientifically designed using principles of psychology to improve retention of written information. It was created by a multidisciplinary team of designers and researchers from RMIT’s School of Design and its Behavioural Business Lab.
This sounded really interesting and useful🧠 as well explained in this youtube video
Fast forward 2020 the University of Warwick published a study published further research that claims that the opposite is true.
Not only the font doesn’t help in retaining informations but *In fact, it seems like although Sans Forgetica is novel and hard to read, its effects might well end there.”.
Without getting into the arguments of conflicting studies between University I noticed that RMIT University itself has forgotten Sans Forgetica😅.
The download link is no longer available (both or return a 404).
I personally hate when this happens. No matter how efficient Sant Forgetica is, it does represent many hours of work and studies and is a honest attempt to a real problem.
Given that the font was released under the CCBYNC license (creative commons, non-commercial, attributed)I decided to provide a “mirror” download link to the font and the history of Sans Forgetica, hoping that it will be not be forgotten😉
Sans Forgetica font is licensed to RMIT under the CCBYNC license (creative commons, non-commercial, attributed), more info
You can 💾 download Sans Forgetica here