
Password.Select update

I finally had some time to review my web app https://password.select the previous version was generating the passwords sever side and that is not a great idea. So inspired by https://www.useapassphrase.com I have now updated password.select to work entirely client-side and also offline.

As a twist the passphrases are in Swiss German or Rumantsch (the forth official language here in Switzerland). As you can see in the source each language has around 7000 words making some fairly secure passphrases.



I think this is a big improvement from the previous version. For the occasion I also did a redesign using the font I created calling devnull. It is a modified version of Victor Mono https://rubjo.github.io/victor-mono/ The differences are the lowercase letters r, f, i and the punctuation that is slightly different. Spacing is also not identical.


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